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A departing flatmate left me this book: "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams. Something that is this good.... It'd be rude not to share!


Ever since the seventies, reading Penthouse Forum, and the like. The male multiple orgasm always seemed to be a thing of speculation and complete unattainability...


Now, this book has come along to challenge that. they say that not only is it very attainable, after a few weeks of practise, but it's more pleasurable than the brief peak that we've been handed all these years.


像這一張照片的 Mitre Peak。 。 。還不錯-也蠻漂亮壯觀的,可是還不如旁邊的山脈-沒完沒了的樣子....甜美的狂喜之河


Not only is it very attainable, after a few weeks of practise, but it's more pleasurable than the brief peak that we've been handed all these years. If you know Mitre Peak at Milford Sound, quite stunning and beautiful in itself... they say you could liken ejaculatory orgasm to that ...... but non ejaculatory, multiple orgasm to all the surrounding mountains going on and on... a river of sweet ecstasy... 

You can find a great review of the book here: 

你可能已經會(或了解)一個做愛的活動叫做 edging (拖延高潮的)它目標是讓你晚一點射出來讓你的對手更容易的高潮,這樣你自己的高潮也更厲害。學會多次高潮的目標不一樣多次高潮不要你射出來 - 要你罰站射出來之前的爽快。

我不在編故事 - 中國的道教徒已經在研究這個幾千年前

You may be familiar with a sexual activity called edging, whereby you delay ejaculation by stopping movement just prior to ejaculation, extending play time, and if your partner is a woman, giving her a chance to come. The goal of edging is the delay, and the bigger, better orgasm. The goal of multiple orgasming is to NOT ejaculate, but to explore and advance the ecstasy prior to ejaculation. I'm not making this up, this knowledge had been around for thousands of years.


This goal takes some preparation and some requirements. First you're going to need some sort of a body. Any sort will do - but it does need to be well rested.


You'll also need to learn something, that while it may seem on the surface to be easy, it's not: count your breaths to 100. This is to develop your concentration. If you fail to get to 100, start from one again. This could work just as well for women.

你需要一個感性區,最理想是你的乳頭. 如果你已經夠幸運和你的乳頭已經是活性起來的話那就很棒-你會學比較快。如果還沒有活性起來的話那也可以學。他們說,捏,搔癢,捻,咬,咬,好像都可以。

You're also going to need an erogenous zone. Ideally it's your nipples. If you're lucky enough to already have them activated that's great, if not they can be activated. They say pinching, tickling, twiddling, nipping, biting can all work too, apparently.

Check out this video below for some tips.

凱格爾練習或盆底練習也很重要。 在排尿時,嘗試中途停止,然後重新開始 - 重複幾次。 這使事情鏈條更容易發生。 也許有點像這個傢伙,但為了避免他經歷的事情,可能要先坐下來,直到你習慣了。 起初它會覺得彆扭,但時間長了以後可能會成為你首選的方法...
Kegel exercises or pelvic floor exercises, are also important. On urinating, try stopping halfway through, then restarting - repeat this a few times. This makes the chain of events that much easier to all happen. Something a little like this guy perhaps, though to avoid what he's going through, it may pay to sit down till you get good at it. At first it will feel awkward but in time it may become your preferred method... 


These are the three most important things.

其他就要練習。一開始練習的時候你還是會射出來。這很正常。屬你的呼吸的時候你可能會睡覺也好反正表示你太累。太累的話這個活動不好做。你努力就學會,後來就會覺得傳統射出來高潮有點馬馬虎虎- 你根本就不想射出來

The rest just takes practise. It's normal that while still learning, you'll go over the edge and ejaculate. But perseverance brings rewards - once you have learnt you'll find ejaculation all a little ho-hum in comparison. At first you won't be sure, but with time (a few days) you'll start to find the orgasms increasing in intensity and you literally won't want to ejaculate.

如果你有很多空小心不要做太多 - 大概一天一個小時就夠了。反正你自己可以解決

If you have a lot of spare time on your hands, be careful not to over do it. Probably an hour of it's any amount.... you'll figure it out.

有一個多重高潮的男的說過"自己學習很容易,你也不要完全硬起來。就擦一點油,把你的家庭珠寶坊在你的大腿中間,然後躺在你左右邊或背邊上。大腿中間的壓力就像呢的手一樣。你就順便開始弄你的乳頭。你的心情,精神,都會引響結果。如果你是跟一個人一起學他/她就要小心-不要太刺激你讓你射出來-你要先告訴他可能要他 :”別動”" 。書裡面有列出來一些不讓你射出來的手段

Learning this alone is easy, you don't need a full hard on, get a bit of oil, stick your stuff (family jewels) between your thighs either lying on your side or on your back, squeeze gently, and go for it. Your mood, your energy levels, will all influence the outcome. If you're learning with a partner, they can help by not pushing you over the orgasmic edge. There are methods listed in the book to help here.

有個類比可能讓你了解好一點:這些都有一點像開一部手動的車。。。要先發動它,不能馬上跑到第五檔。。。慢慢來-不要馬上開始擠奶頭 :-p   等你開始感覺到那個感覺的浪來了,你就發現你可以衝那個高潮浪好久-分鐘的樣子

An analogy that might help is it's a bit like changing gears in a car... in neutral you're just thinking about it- (uh-oh here it comes!) first gear: lightest brushing of your pecs and nips, second gear: lightest twisting of your nipples left and right and lightest pressure of your inner thighs on your penis, as the wave starts to hit go into third gear: where you increase the pressure on your nips and between your thighs. This orgasmic wave can be ridden for minutes at a time!


Get the book here THE MULTI-ORGASMIC MAN 


Really they should be teaching this stuff at Physical Education classes at school - the world would be a better place.


Forever grateful to my flatmate for leaving me a copy of this book!


Please, if you only ever read one more book in your life, make it this one.

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